Huma Hatun. Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Fact. Mobile Tumblr US users spend an average of 4. This gold and green S shaped tiara is first worn by Mihrimah Sultan in the thirty-ninth episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. It is worn again by Mahidevran Sultan in the first episode of the fourth season. Next, the tiara is worn by Nurbanu Sultan in the twenty-ninth episode. The tiara also makes a brief appearance on Nurbanu's daughter İsmihan Sultan in the thirty-sixth and final episode of the same season. The tiara is turned upside down when used on Hüma Hatun in the second episode of the first season of Netflix docutainment series Rise of Empires: Ottoman. I already have two questions, which maybe someone more studied in the field of Ottoman history than I, can answer. Why do they say that Gülbahar Hatun is the daughter of Hamza Pasha when she, most likely, was a slave concubine? It looks way too similar to be a coincidence. Lale Hatun remains in Edirne as all her loved ones head for war. But one man occupies her thoughts despite her greatest efforts. Time seemed to hold still in the inner courtyard of the palace. All the servants had been sent away, and it seemed that even the birds had left some privacy to the two young people. Lale had come here full of anger at him, but now she was the one Guten Morgen Seks Gif onto the Şehzade, their lips sealed in a bloody kiss. Do you taste the blood? We are of the same kind, the same nature. The young woman stood still as he departed, her fiery gaze fixed on his back, until he disappeared completely from her sight and that the only thing she could hear was her shallow breath. In a harsh movement, she whipped the blood from her lips with her sleeve and clenched her fists before leaving the inner court with a decisive step. The few maids that crossed paths with Lale, as she headed towards her chambers, barely had Guten Morgen Seks Gif to step out of her way, her fury making her oblivious to anything around her. After closing the door of her bedroom with Guten Morgen Seks Gif little more strength than usual, she rested her back against its wooden surface and closed her eyes. But no matter how hard she tried to regain some composure, the feeling of betrayal still lingered inside her. She had trusted him ; believed him when he said he'd help to keep her friends safe, only to send them away in the middle of the night. And solely out of fear that she would choose them, instead of him. Lale eventually turned her head towards her bed, where another embroidered shirt remained. She closed the distance between the door and her bed in a few steps. Then, in a fit of anger, grabbed the shirt and threw it to the other side of Guten Morgen Seks Gif room. After being deprived of sleep from embroidering the two shirts for her friends, Lale had felt a weight in her heart as she realised another person, dear to her, would be left without any protection. So she had summoned the rest of her strength to sew the remaining flowers into a third one. Alas, they weren't enough for an extra talismanic shirt, but the young lady had remembered a rumour about Mehmed's birth, one whispered in some hallways of the palace. It was said that, as Huma Hatun was giving birth to young Mehmed, her uncle had retreated in his chambers in prayers, reading the Holy Quran. And that Mehmed's first cry was heard as the Sultan was reading the Surah of Victory. The Al Fath Surat. And so, Lale had embroidered the shirt with the same verses, with the firm conviction that these Holy words would indeed offer protection and Victory to the Şehzade. Her needlework ceased only with the last notes of the morning prayer call, and some drops of blood would have mixed here and there with the golden embroidery. Lale looked from Shahi Hatun to her dress, where indeed, Mehmed's blood had left a stain from their embrace. Yet, how was she to explain this to her tutoress? How could she tell her that she went to see the Şehzade, unchaperoned, and that the blood was Mehmed's, from a stab wound that she inflicted upon him as revenge for sending her friends away. And that he, in return, claimed her lips in a passionate and bloody embrace? Luckily for the young woman, a knock on the door saved her from the elder woman's inquisitive gaze. One of the ağa entered, and after bowing respectfully to the Sultan's niece, informed Shahi Hatun that Daye called upon her urgently.
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