Mail: wjeis1 gmail. Mail: wjeis2 gmail. Editors Prof. Uğur Demiray, Anadolu University, Turkey. Mother Teaches Sex Mentally Retarded Son 1975 Board Prof. Mother Teaches Sex Mentally Retarded Son 1975 H. Raddaoui, University of Sfax, Tunisia Prof. Ramesh C. Rozhan M. Sharif H. Tutkun, Betül Öztürk, Zeynep Demirtaş…………………………………………… The aim of WJEIS is to make readers reach educational and instructional articles in the fields of educational sciences and various disciplines. Moreover, a special issue may be published once a year. It is important for the journal to continue its publication through the studies of researchers who send articles to WJEIS to be considered for blind review. Thus, studies from researchers in every part of the World are expected. In other words, articles are reviewed in a process that conforms to norms of scientific literature. As the editors of the journal, we hope to meet with readers, authors and reviewers in the next issue. Derginin amacı eğitim bilimleri alanında ve çeşitli disiplinlerle ilgili eğitim-öğretim çalışmalarını okuyuculara ulaştırmaktır. Ayrıca derginin yılda bir kez özel sayısı da olabilecektir. Derginin yayın hayatını sürdürebilmesi, araştırmacıların yaptıkları çalışmaları yayımlanmak üzere değerlendirme süreci için başvuruda bulunmalarına bağlıdır. Bunun için dergi dünyanın her yerindeki araştırmacılardan çalışmalar beklemektedir. Başka bir deyişle aday makalelerin, tarafsız ve bilimsel yayın ilkelerine uygun bir süreçte değerlendirilmektedir. Derginin editörleri olarak, okuyucu, yazar ve hakemlerimize gelecek sayıda buluşmayı dileriz. The values or personal qualities integrity, respect, aesthetic… etc considered as basic criteria giving meaning to the socio-cultural elements of communities can be described as the principles and shared beliefs adopted and overrated by a great majority of the community members. In this context, the purpose of this research is to examine the differentiation of views of the parents depending on various variables related to values of high school geography curriculum. The data for this study in the scanning model have been obtained from the questionnaires applied to the parents of 89 students of three high schools which have been selected with random method in Çayeli, Rize. The data obtained have been analyzed via independent t test and one-way analysis of variance. In the analyses of existing social structure, the importance of understanding the cultural environment of a phenomenon, and beliefs, values, norms and attitudes in this environment is indisputable. In this sense, in the process of understanding a society, the values of that society play a big part Tay and Yıldırım,p. Ozensel, Values themselves or their order of importance may vary from culture to culture and country to country. Depending on the their growing up facilities and opportunities, people may come together around a set of common values or fall apart due to lack of values in common. People form most of their activities, goals and ideologies in their life around the values they believe in and adopt. People may reflect their viewpoints to their behaviors through this formation. Values are treasures of life. We develop the values on our own, and then share them with the outer world, so we proceed towards a better world Demirhan Iscan,p. Social scientists express that the values are of fundamental importance in the explanation of human behaviors Dilmac and Eksi,p. Demirhan Iscan,p. The concept of value has been handled by Powney and the others within three conceptual frameworks c. They also point out the other viewpoints related to how we sustain and organize our lives, and what kind of experiences we have. The concept of value has been used by a variety of science fields including economics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, mathematics and theology. The wide use of it, has added a lot of new meaning to the value concept Akbas,p.
Computer labs are suitable for the functions of e-learning but there is a limited number of those labs. Jr and Grene, B. Sınıflarda okutulan Vatandaşlık ve İnsan Hakları Eğitimi dersinde öğrenciye kazandırılması amaçlanan evrensel değerlere ilişkin tutumlar üzerinde öğretim sürecinin etkisi. Maltreatment and disabilities: A population-based epidemiological study. Sex differences in emoiton: A critical review of the literature and implications for consueling psychology. In it was shown that
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Bu çalışmanın amacı cinsel istismardan korunma konusunda annelerin görüşlerini escort-turkiye-kizlar.onlineştırmanın deseni, nitel araştırma modellerinden. This study aimed to investigate the differences in parenting stress, coping ways, and family functioning variables of families with a preschool-aged child with. mothers of mentally retarded children, namely, emotional exhaustion and lack of Yet the teacher is the most important figure for the child to be. Majority of participants who received bad news from physicians reported that the setting was private and their family members accompanied them.During the first phase of the study only stories were used and it was observed that the rate of acquired target skills increased when the instruction was supported by the pictures. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 57 3 , Kenny, M. Most important results of this research are included in following tables. Dolayısıyla bu dönem çocuklarının aile-çocuk ilişkilerini anlatan kitaplardan hoşlandıkları söylenebilir Güleç Çakmak ve Geçgel, The above mentioned evaluation form have been used to evaluate sample teaching practices of the teacher candidates in Life Science and Social Studies courses since academic year, so its validity has been tested. Bu amaçla ölçek viyolonsel, piyano, müzik kuramları, öğretim programları ve PDR ve ölçme değerlendirme alanlarında görev yapan öğretim üyelerinden oluşan uzman grubu tarafından incelenmiştir. Our sister…She was like one of us. Research methods in language learning. Paeezy, M. Zerey, Bekir Serhat, ve Salih Cakmak. As noted above, within the scope of the curriculum it has been designed sample teaching practices by the teacher candidates as the course definitions require. Review of the contemporary literature on how children report sexual abuse to others: Findings, methodological issues, and implications for forensic interviewers. Is the teaching method effective? Çocuk cinsel istismarı her geçen gün büyüyen toplumsal bir sorundur. Keywords: keywords should be added here. Araştırma bulguları, yetersizlikten etkilenmiş çocuk annelerinin çocuklarının cinsel istismardan korunma becerileri sergileme konusunda sınırlılık yaşadığını düşündüklerini ortaya koymuştur. Müzik derslerinde öğrencilerime çeşitli ritmik etkinlikler yaptırabilirim. Body awareness in children with mental retardation. In one study of Schneir and Goldstein social stories and pictures were used to teach students social adaptation skills. In an increasing manner, greater emphasis has been put on reflective applications in teacher education since s. This study also discusses critical situations that can be created for good reflection practices such as strong support from the administration, reflection opportunities, collaboration with colleagues, storage of teaching portfolios and reflective writing, or journal writing. Most of the participants stated that their child knows his genital parts with the correct terminology, he can exhibit protective skills against unsafe touches, and can report a possible sexual abuse case to a person he trusts, but cannot recognize unsafe touches. Electronic links. Ölçeğe ilişkin KMO katsayısı. Çocukluk çağı cinsel istismarı. An evaluation of the effects of training special educators to integrate microcomputer technology into math curricula. Çocuklar üzerinde oluşturduğu olumsuz etkiler düşünüldüğünde cinsel istismardan korunma becerilerinin çocuklara kazandırılması gerekmektedir. Buna göre, insanın kişisel özellikleri bilişsel, duyuşsal ve kalıtımsal davranışlarını ve çevresini; davranışları içinde bulunduğu çevreyi ve kişiliğini; çevresi de insanın davranış ve kişisel özelliklerini etkilemektedir Pajares, Bolvardi, A. Find articles by Nesrin Demirsoy. İlköğretim 7.