Sample translated sentence: Something you should know about me is that I'm addicted to computer games. A person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug [. Less frequent translations. Show algorithmically generated translations. Translation of "addict" into Turkish bağımlı, müptela, düşkün are the top translations of "addict" into Turkish. Something you should know about me is that I'm addicted to computer games. Benim hakkımda bilmen gereken bir şey bilgisayar oyunlarına bağımlı olduğumdur. And Shaun is an artist but he's also an addict. Ve Shaun da bir sanatçıydı, ama aynı zamanda da bir müptela. For instance, you could find women who feel " addicted " Mesela, " düşkün " hisleri olan 20 yaşlarındaki bayanları. Glosbe Translate. Google Translate. Phrases similar to "addict" with translations into Turkish a nartocics addict. Add example Add Translations of "addict" into Turkish in sentences, translation memory. Declension Stem. I just want to say that we are applying this to many world problems: changing the drop-out rates of school kids, combating addictionsenhancing teen health, curing vets' PTSD with time metaphors -- getting miracle cures -- promoting sustainability and conservation, reducing physical rehabilitation where there is a percent drop out rate, altering appeals to suicidal terrorists, and modifying family conflicts as time-zone clashes. Sadece şunu eklemek istiyorum, bu yöntemi bir çok dünya problemine uygulayarak okulu bırakanların sayısını değiştiriyoruz, bağımlılıkla savaşıyoruz, gençliğin sağlığını güçlendiriyoruz, gazilerin travma sonrası depresyonlarını zaman benzetmeleriyle --mucize gibi-- iyileştiriyoruz. I'm learning a lot about my addictions now. Şu an bağımlılıklarım konusunda çok şey öğreniyorum. That stimulant in your gauntlet, it must have been extremely addictive Kolluğundaki uyarıcı, Aşırı derecede bağımlılık yaratan birşey olmalı Possible addictioneven a criminal record. Muhtemelen bağımlısabıka kaydı bile olabilir. So this same dopamine system that gets addicted to drugs, that makes you freeze when you get Parkinson's disease, that contributes to various forms of psychosis, is also redeployed to value interactions with other people and to assign value to gestures that you do when you're interacting with somebody else. Yani bu, ilaçlara bağlı benzer dopamin sistemi, Parkinson hastalığına yakalandığınızda sizi dondurur, farklı biçimlerde akıl hastalıklarına katkıda bulunur, ayrıca insanlarla ilişkileri değerlendirmemizi yeniden düzenler. Deuteronomy We do not use tobacco, chew betel nut, or take addictive or mind-warping drugs for pleasure. Tesniye Tütün kullanmayız, arekcevizi çiğnemeyiz ve alışkanlık yaratan ya da zihni körelten uyuşturucuları zevk için almayız. An addict. We have to understand that the willpower idea, that personal responsibility, doesn't work in the face of addiction. Bağımlılık durumunda irade ve kişisel sorumluluk fikirlerinin işe yaramadığını kabul etmemiz gerek. And what calms the nerves of an addicted gambler more than a few hands of Texas hold'em. Bir kumar bağımlısının sinirlerini bir kaç el pokerden daha iyi ne gevşeyebilir? It's the most addictive drug there is. Piyasadaki en çok bağımlılık yapan ilaç. Constant pain or fear of addiction Sürekli ağrı ve bağımlılık korkusu Ölümün nedenini ve insanlığın sorunlarının çözümünü bilmek, birçok A Person Addicted To Sex madde bağımlılığından kurtulmaları için teşvik ve cesaret vermektedir. And also these are signals that go awry in disorders such as addiction. Ve aynı zamanda A Person Addicted To Sex, bağımlılık gibi rahatsızlıklarda bozulan sinyallerdir.
Black Angel Senso ' Parametric statistical methods were used to analyze the data, taking into consideration the single and multivariable normality, linearity, and multicolinearity. Relationships among smartphone addiction, stress, academic performance, and satisfaction with life. Sence seks bağımlısı mıyım? Friendship 2. You've turned this perfectly worthless loser into an addict.
Phrases similar to "addict" with translations into Turkish
Ardından Weiss ve Majors bir şatoya. Check 'addict' translations into Turkish. Beginning with a brief history of. Look through examples of addict translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Addicted to Porn: Chasing the Cardboard Butterfly' is both a micro and macro view of pornography in today's culture. Translations in context of "seks bağımlısı" in Turkish-English from Reverso Context: Şunu bilmelisin, bir seks bağımlısı olabilirim. Yeni evlenmiş olan Janet Weiss (Susan Sarandon) ve Brad Majors (Barry Bostwick) yağmurlu bir gecede yollarını kaybeder.The literature discusses the effects of internet addiction, social media addiction, smartphone addiction and digital gaming addiction on social connectedness. Shen C, Williams D. Caplan SE. Spanish [CrossRef] Savci M. Keywords: Digital game addiction, internet addiction, smartphone addiction, social connectedness, social media addiction. Therefore, it is possible to judge all these addictions as technological addictions or technology related addictions as technological addictions or technology related addictions. For that reason, internet addiction has been removed from the model and the predictive effect of social media addiction, digital game addiction, and smartphone addiction on social connectedness has been examined. Comput Human Behav ; The role of attachment styles, peer relations, and affections in predicting Internet addiction. Something you should know about me is that I'm addicted to computer games. Tobacco is addictive. The relationship between depression and Internet addiction. Kadının adı Joe'dur ve kendi kendine nemfoman teşhisi koymuştur. Baby, this is Dante, my addiction counselor. The Predictive Effect of Technological Addictions on Social Connectedness The results of multiple regression analysis regarding the predictive effect of technological addictions on social connectedness are presented in Table 2. Kolluğundaki uyarıcı, Aşırı derecede bağımlılık yaratan birşey olmalı According to the results of criterion-related validity analysis of SMDS is positively related with the duration of social media usage, number of social media accounts, negative emotions and impulsivity, but negatively related with self-esteem, social connectedness, and positive emotions. However, introverted adolescents avoid interaction with other people because they are shy. That stimulant in your gauntlet, it must have been extremely addictive Will online chat help alleviate mood loneliness? Elim Belim Bağlı 40 Days and 40 Nights. Kubey R, Csikszentmihalyi M. I just want to say that we are applying this to many world problems: changing the drop-out rates of school kids, combating addictions , enhancing teen health, curing vets' PTSD with time metaphors -- getting miracle cures -- promoting sustainability and conservation, reducing physical rehabilitation where there is a percent drop out rate, altering appeals to suicidal terrorists, and modifying family conflicts as time-zone clashes. Bir kumar bağımlısının sinirlerini bir kaç el pokerden daha iyi ne gevşeyebilir? These findings indicate that the research data meet the assumptions of linearity and single and multivariable normality Sürekli ağrı ve bağımlılık korkusu Küresel s arama çubuğuna odaklan. Internet use among college students: an exploratory study. Davis K. These data and research results show that internet, social media, smart phones and digital games are used extensively.